Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Rainbow of experiences in Life

  The Rainbow of experiences in Life

In Life there are many experiences. Those experiences run through all the different “shades of colors” that we could imagine. To be experienced in Life means to have gone through all of them. It is through that experience how insight develops. All of those colors are “good” for to experience one means to naturally go into another.


Any person that we see at this point, is representing a particular color at this time. He may think that “his” color is the “truth,” but that color will need to change to keep on experiencing Life.
“Look at Mr,x… what a humble guy, he is!”
Believe me, he was a proud individual at one point in time through his different experiences in Life OR he will be a proud, ego centered guy.
That is what I mean when I say “shades of colors in Life.”
Religious minded people may not use the terms “shades of colors.” They will use: “Good and Bad.”
What is in between that “Good and Bad”?
“Normal.” The mob.
The ones who are neither saints nor sinners.
That labeling has done so much harm in our society for centuries.
Life = Shades of colors to experience, that is all.
If we understood the above analogy, we could see clearly that consciousness will change by itself as the shades of colors change through experiencing Life.
No one could be truly “good” without having experienced being “bad.”
Do we see that?
That is how a “saint” will look at anyone knowing that a particular shade of color at a particular time is not the “rainbow” of a person, but to appreciate the rainbow means to be able to perceives its capacity to display all colors.
That is the beauty of the rainbow.
On the other hand, for most people: “Red is good, Indigo is bad. Blue is immoral. Yellow is saintly.”
Without that experience, all we have left is to follow a particular “moral code” to make us believe that we are “being good.”
That is the dissonance between “being” and “doing.”
That is how external actions or protocols will trap the consciousness of an individual.
“If I don’t do these things, my peers/family/society/love ones/God/ etc./ will think low of me.”
That is when consciousness is secluded to live under a box, a cubicle with no windows or doors for the sake of “acting good.”
Experiences are not “good or bad.” Just different shades, different colors to feed our consciousness with material to be assimilated, processed and then changed into a new outlook in Life.
Anything that happens, any experience is meant to be “raw material” for further processing.
Knowing all of the above, how is it possible to believe that a method, a religious path or a philosophy or someone could change the consciousness of an individual?
But… a saint came up out of this religious path!
The particular experience of being in a particular religious path was the catalyst to bring the accumulated raw material from many life times, into fruition, but that does not mean that everyone is already at the same level of experiences or that everyone must do the same as this “saint” to become a “saint.” It does not mean that this particular religious path or method is “the method” for the “whole world.”
It does not work that way, because every single individual is living a particular “shade of color” which will need to transform by itself and not by the compulsion of following a method.
To go deeply into the above, not as a mental exercise or as an intellectual debate but by looking at our own life experiences, means to liberate ourselves from the cage of searching for a savior or “salvation.”
There is none. It was never needed.
That is why, myself only repeats endlessly: Enjoy your current experience.
It will change, but if you learn to enjoy them… then you will be enjoying Life as “it is” and that in itself is the catalyst for greater amplitude of mind, amplitude of consciousness; for enjoyment is about appreciation and as mentioned before, the way to expand our consciousness is through appreciation of the experiences brought to us by Life itself.

See the rainbow of every individual, not just the color being presented at one time. It is in that way how our lives could be a rainbow to be appreciated by the ones who are only aware of being just a color in Life.

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