Monday, January 23, 2017

Happiness Is Your Property

Happiness Is Your Property 
No matter what adverse situations come in front of you, no matter how many obstacles come in front of you, your happiness should not disappear. An obstacle that comes will also go away. That obstacle comes and goes away but what belongs to you should not go. So, happiness is your property. Whenever an obstacle comes, just think that it has come to go away. When a guest comes to your home, it isn't that he has come as a guest and will go away having taken everything from your home. So an obstacle has come and it will go away but it should not take away your happiness. Happiness should always remain with you.


True help gives support in such a way that people become independent.
When there is the right support given to the people in need, there is
the ability to do that, which makes others independent. There is the
ability to give the best, but without expecting anything in return.
Others are able to get in touch with their own specialties and use them
for their own well being and progress. When I am able to provide help
in a detached way, I become a source of support and strength, without
being caught in any kind of bondage. I am free to use my specialties
for everyone's benefit without others being dependent on me. Others
continue to take inspiration from me.

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